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Winnipeg Free Press Archives
Winnipeg WWII Home Front
April 7, 1943
Anxious to put down fruit :for the coming winter, thousands of Winnipeg citizens, some of whom are seen above, are daily making application for extra sugar at the local ration board. 158 Princess street. While those seen above appeared 'in person, the number of applications being received through the mail is tremendous, William H. Florence, secretary of the board, states. Mr. Florence is seen in the lower picture, with a portion of Ihe mail lhal came in Tuesday. This mail is sorted and arranged in numerical order by volunteer workers under Mrs. John Allen, MJss Isabel Robson being in charge of the workers providing information at the telephone and counter. A great many applications are filled incorrectly, and have to be returned, Mr. Florence says. Also, residents of other sections of the province arc mailing their applications to the Winnipeg office, which should not be done.

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Winnipeg Free Press Archives Winnipeg WWII Home Front April 7, 1943 Anxious to put down fruit :for the coming winter, thousands of Winnipeg citizens, some of whom are seen above, are daily making application for extra sugar at the local ration board. 158 Princess street. While those seen above appeared 'in person, the number of applications being received through the mail is tremendous, William H. Florence, secretary of the board, states. Mr. Florence is seen in the lower picture, with a portion of Ihe mail lhal came in Tuesday. This mail is sorted and arranged in numerical order by volunteer workers under Mrs. John Allen, MJss Isabel Robson being in charge of the workers providing information at the telephone and counter. A great many applications are filled incorrectly, and have to be returned, Mr. Florence says. Also, residents of other sections of the province arc mailing their applications to the Winnipeg office, which should not be done.

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Winnipeg Free Press Archives
Winnipeg WWII Home Front
April 7, 1943
Anxious to put down fruit :for the coming winter, thousands of Winnipeg citizens, some of whom are seen above, are daily making application for extra sugar at the local ration board. 158 Princess street. While those seen above appeared 'in person, the number of applications being received through the mail is tremendous, William H. Florence, secretary of the board, states. Mr. Florence is seen in the lower picture, with a portion of Ihe mail lhal came in Tuesday. This mail is sorted and arranged in numerical order by volunteer workers under Mrs. John Allen, MJss Isabel Robson being in charge of the workers providing information at the telephone and counter. A great many applications are filled incorrectly, and have to be returned, Mr. Florence says. Also, residents of other sections of the province arc mailing their applications to the Winnipeg office, which should not be done.

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