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PHIL HOSSACK / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS - Dave Ediger (environmental engineer for Manitoba Government), poses at home with his cat; Principal Sparling School grades 5-6; General Wolfe grades 7-8: "I remember feeling somewhat isolated in the Major Work class at both schools. We were perceived as the brainy class which was not necessarily accurate. There were a few advantages in being in Major Work like getting to take auto mechanics at Daniel Mac in Grade 8. By the time we started getting into hot rods in high school I already knew the firing order for a flathead Ford V-8 engine. Overall, however, I dont recall the program being a particularly fulfilling experience personally. There was an air of elitism, often on the part of the teachers, that I wasnt really aware of at the time but later on it became somewhat more clear to me. In Grade 9 it was decided that maybe I should go back into the regular program at Sargent Park School. I suspect that decision was based mostly on disciplinary issues the previous year. But I was happy to get back to my local school where I could hang out with the guys from my own neighbourhood. Dave Ediger September 26, 2016
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