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Winnipeg Free Press News

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CAA launches 3rd Annual Manitoba's Worst Roads  Camapign , CAA President andd CEO Mike Mager points out the  corner of St. James St at Ness Ave  as one of the worst .He has a list of the top  ten  areas inside the city in the last two years .The public can vote for their choice at caamanitoba .com/WorstRoads or CAA's Facebook page . ** have pictures take 140311 stdup potholes, not much of the patching remains * of a city crew cold patching this same spot . Mar. 25 2014 / KEN GIGLIOTTI / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS

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CAA launches 3rd Annual Manitoba's Worst Roads Camapign , CAA President andd CEO Mike Mager points out the corner of St. James St at Ness Ave as one of the worst .He has a list of the top ten areas inside the city in the last two years .The public can vote for their choice at caamanitoba .com/WorstRoads or CAA's Facebook page . ** have pictures take 140311 stdup potholes, not much of the patching remains * of a city crew cold patching this same spot . Mar. 25 2014 / KEN GIGLIOTTI / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS

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CAA launches 3rd Annual Manitoba's Worst Roads  Camapign , CAA President andd CEO Mike Mager points out the  corner of St. James St at Ness Ave  as one of the worst .He has a list of the top  ten  areas inside the city in the last two years .The public can vote for their choice at caamanitoba .com/WorstRoads or CAA's Facebook page . ** have pictures take 140311 stdup potholes, not much of the patching remains * of a city crew cold patching this same spot . Mar. 25 2014 / KEN GIGLIOTTI / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS

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