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Stdup -FORKS - Residential School survivors Ted Fontaine and Anne Callahan wittnes the smudging of the monument by elder Velma Orvis (right) - TRIBUTE HONORS SURVIVORS OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS WINNIPEGÄîThe historic meeting place for Indigenous, Metis and non Indigenous people will take on even greater significance at the Forks, when a monument is unveiled as a tribute to those who attended the Residential Schools in Canada.According to the national Anglican Church website, during the century following Confederation, there were an estimated 80 church run, government funded Indian Residential Schools. The purpose of the schools was to assimilate Indigenous children . in a Canadian apology and the birth of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Canada. One of the elders who was a survivor called on the federal government to erect a monument to those who attended Residential Schools .Before his death five years ago, Elder Nelson James from Roseau River suggested such a monument needed to be in a public place where many could see and gain an understanding of the Indigenous Canadians who went to the schools. May 26 2014 / KEN GIGLIOTTI / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS
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