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Winnipeg Free Press News

Winnipeg Free Press Store

The Greatest Manitobans

Now a lasting keepsake. Order your copy of this beautiful hard cover coffee-table book profiling some of the greatest heroes of our time, from Louis Riel to Nellie McClung to Duff Roblin to The Guess Who.

It's Manitobas history seen through the eyes of its most inspiring citizens, told by some of the best writers at the Free Press. The Greatest Manitobans chronicles the provinces' best and brightest and their achievements, from discovering the WinRho vaccine to giving women the vote.

Don't miss your chance to buy this limited edition portrait of the province and its extraordinary people.

The stories and photographs about the people and places in Manitoba compiled into a beautiful full-colour hard cover table top book.

ORDER YOUR COPY BELOW or by phone: 204 697-7377.

$29.95 plus GST, and $10.00 shipping and handling.

**Please note higher shipping charges may apply on multipack orders or if your address is outside the greater Winnipeg area. Please email to get a shipping quote for your area.

The Greatest Manitobans Book